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 I'm happy you buzzed by!

My Story

Real Estate is in my blood, literally. My Great Grandmother was the FIRST female Realtor in Flint, Michigan! She was a pioneer, a force to be reckoned with! She built the foundation for Mid-Michigan Realtors today! I'm so honored that her and her legacy is mine.


Then comes my Grandmother, whom I'm proudly named after! She started her real estate journey in Atlanta, Georgia, and joined the prestigious Buckhead Brokers Realtors. I can remember when I was young visiting her, I'd ask to go with her to work. She put me to work in her office by having me fetch paperwork, making sure her clients were comfortable and offering them beverages, attending showings and helping with turning on lights and opening doors. Most importantly, communication and good manners with clients. Fast forward to today, I am in my 9th year of Real Estate, officially a Realtor, and now have my own real estate company. My grandmothers are not here earthly to see me in action, but I know I have some real estate angels on my side helping me along, and guiding their 3rd generation Realtor.


How did I get my name for my company? Well, I am happily married to a 3rd generation Beekeeper! My family owns McCoy Family Apiaries (A family buzzness since 1946). We are the largest beekeepers in the State of Michigan, with around 10,000 hives! Honey bees are a HUGE part of our life and lifestyle, which is why the name Queen Bee Realty was oh so appropriate when it came to the name. It sort of has a legacy already. Oh, and you are 100% correct if you guessed you get a jar of honey from me at closing. It's tradition!


Why do I do what I do? I love, live, breathe real estate. I absolutely love helping others, especially with one of the hugest decisions they will make in their lifetime. It's not always easy, and I try to take some of the stress away by being the negotiator, educator, and guide. I will always go the extra mile, making sure things are done right, and everyone's on the same page. What can I say? I have a service heart, and care a lot. My clients and I usually end up being friends. Every transaction has a story, and I love learning, and sharing their stories with you!


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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